Profiles |
Listed below are suggested Auto Copy & Paste profiles for several popular applications. Case is significant for the "Keystrokes to send" entry. The "When to send Keystrokes" values are subject to individual preferences. Many of these profile suggestions were contributed by PGPClick users. They have not all been tested by me. If you develop an improved profile, or one for an application not listed here, please email it to me. Profiles listed here are: |
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Anawave Gravity:
America Online:
NOTE: There are two spaces between "America" and "Online" in the Profile name.
CompuServe Navigator:
NOTE: By changing the Profile name to "CompuServe" may also enable these settings to work with CompuServe information Manager.
Eudora Pro:
Microsoft Internet Explorer:
Microsoft Word:
Outlook 97:
Pegasus Mail:
Procomm Plus for Windows 3.0:
Spry Mail: